function ChangeLanguage(languageCode, pageID, pathInsideModule) { var req = new JsHttpRequest(); req.onreadystatechange = function() { if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.responseJS && req.responseJS.Answer && req.responseJS.Answer.Error) { alert(req.responseJS.Answer.Error); return; } document.location.href = req.responseJS.Answer; } } req.caching = false;'POST', '', true); req.send({ PageID: pageID, LangCode: languageCode, PathInsideModule: pathInsideModule }); } function GetTranslation(key) { switch (key) { case "delete-menu-confirm": return "Please confirm you want to remove menu "%Title%"" case "delete-page-confirm": return "Please confirm you want to remove page "%Title%"" case "has-subpages": return "This page has subpages!" case "delete-link-confirm": return "Please confirm you want to remove link "%Title%"" case "loading-menu": return "loading menu..." case "error-loading-menu": return "An error occured while loading menu" case "saving-menu": return "saving menu..." case "loading-seo": return "loadnig SEO information..." case "error-loading-seo": return "An error occured while loading SEO information" case "saving-seo": return "saving SEO information..." case "error-saving-sort": return "List of pages were changed. Update sort order is not possible. Please refresh page with [F5]" case "page-activate": return "Activate page" case "page-deactivate": return "Deactivate page" case "page-preview": return "Page preview" case "page-seo": return "Edit SEO information" case "page-delete": return "Delete page "%Title%"" case "page-edit": return "Edit page "%Title%"" case "page-hide": return "Hide" case "page-show": return "Show" case "page": return "Page" case "link-delete": return "Delete hyperlink \'%Title%\'" case "link-edit": return "Edit hyperlink \'%Title%\'" case "link": return "Link" case "menu-title": return "Title" case "menu-description": return "Description" case "menu-static-path": return "MENU_" case "admin-menu-site-structure": return "Site Map" case "admin-menu-template-variables": return "Translations" case "admin-menu-user-list": return "Users" case "admin-menu-my-profile": return "My Profile" case "admin-menu-logout": return "Logout" case "menu-image-no": return "Not used" case "menu-image-first-level": return "For first level only" case "menu-image-all-levels": return "For all levels" case "meta-title": return "Meta Title" case "meta-keywords": return "Meta Keywords" case "meta-description": return "Meta Description" case "attribute-title": return "Attribute title of the tag <a>" case "list-info1": return "%Page% of %Total%" case "list-info2": return "By request "%Request%" found %Total%" case "remove-image-confirm": return "Please confirm you want to remove this image" case "removing-image": return "removing image..." case "error-removing-image": return "An error occured while removing image" case "save": return "Save" case "cancel": return "Cancel" case "msg-no-url": return "Please enter URL for the link" case "msg-no-page-selected": return "Please choose a page from the list" case "msg-no-email": return "Please type the E-Mail address" case "title-site-structure": return "Site Structure" case "title-page-edit": return "Edit Page Content" case "title-module-edit": return "Edit Module Page" case "title-link-edit": return "Edit Link Information" case "title-user-list": return "Users" case "title-user-add": return "Add user" case "title-user-edit": return "Edit user" case "page-description": return "Description" case "page-is-removed": return "Page %Title% has been removed" case "title-empty": return "Title is required" case "template-is-not-defined": return "Template is not defined" case "templateset-is-not-defined": return "Template set is not defined" case "static-path-empty": return "Page URL is required" case "static-path-is-not-unique": return "This path (URL) already exists. Please choose another path." case "static-path-incorrect": return "Page URL incorrect! Use latin letters, numbers, hyphens (-), dots (.), and understrikes (_) only." case "static-path-empty-menu": return "Please enter value for MENU_" case "static-path-is-not-unique-menu": return "This value of the MENU_ already exists. Please choose another value." case "static-path-incorrect-menu": return "This value of the MENU_ incorrect! Use latin letters, numbers, hyphens (-), dots (.), and understrikes (_) only." case "parent-is-not-defined": return "Parent is not defined!" case "parent-language-different": return "Language of the parent page is not equal to language of the current page. Can\'t be saved." case "password-is-changed-and-sent": return "Password successfully changed. New password was sent to your E-Mail." case "logged-out": return "You logged out successfuly" case "wrong-login-password": return "Incorrect login/password!" case "new-password": return "New password" case "open-calendar": return "Click here to expand calendar" case "your-session-expired": return "Your session expired. Please log in again." case "unknown-module": return "Module "%Module%" is not found" case "page-type-is-undefined": return "Page type is undefined" case "email-is-not-unique": return "This E-Mail already belongs to another user. Please choose another E-Mail." case "incorrect-email-format": return "Enter correct E-Mail" case "incorrect-email-address": return "Entered E-mail is not registered on the website" case "wrong-old-password": return "Old password is incorrect" case "password-empty": return "Please enter new password" case "password-not-equal": return "Passwords do not match!" case "first-name-required": return "Enter first name" case "last-name-required": return "Enter last name" case "role-undefined": return "Please choose role for the user" case "website-undefined": return "Please choose website for the user" case "user-edit-access-denied": return "Access denied" case "user-is-updated": return "Information about user has been updated" case "public-user-is-registered": return "You have been registered successfully" case "public-user-is-updated": return "Your information has been updated" case "user-is-removed": return "User %UserList% has been removed" case "users-are-removed": return "Users %UserList% have been removed. Total %UserCount% user(-s)" case "home-page": return "Home" case "sql-error": return "SQL query error. See log for details." case "upload-max-file-size": return "Max size of the file: %UploadMaxFileSize%" case "no-templates": return "You have to create file with name page.html under folder %Folder%" case "template-general": return "General" case "menu-image1": return "Icon 1" case "menu-image2": return "Icon 2" case "menu-image3": return "Icon 3" case "filesys-file-is-not-uploaded": return "File is not uploaded" case "filesys-file-doesnt-exist": return "Source file doesn\'t exists" case "filesys-getimagesize-error": return "Can\'t get image size for the file %File%" case "filesys-unsupported-image-mime-type": return "Images with mime type "%MimeType%" are not supported" case "filesys-unsupported-image-function": return "To complete image resizing function %Function% is required. But it is not supported by your hosting provider" case "filesys-file-upload-error": return "Error occured durig file upload. Error number %ErrorNumber%" case "filesys-incorrect-file-name": return "File name %FileName% is incorrect. Please rename file and upload it again" case "filesys-unsupported-file-mime-type": return "Files with mime type "%MimeType%" are not supported" case "filesys-file-exists": return "File with name %FileName% already exists in folder %FolderName%" case "filesys-copy-error": return "Error copy file from %From% to %To%" case "phpmailer-provide-address": return "You must provide at least one recipient email address" case "phpmailer-mailer-not-supported": return "%Mailer% mailer is not supported" case "phpmailer-execute": return "Could not execute: %Sendmail%" case "phpmailer-instantiate": return "Could not instantiate mail() function" case "phpmailer-authenticate": return "SMTP Error: Could not authenticate" case "phpmailer-from-failed": return "The following From address failed: %Address%" case "phpmailer-recipients-failed": return "SMTP Error: The following recipients failed: %Address%" case "phpmailer-data-not-accepted": return "SMTP Error: Data not accepted" case "phpmailer-connect-host": return "SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host %Host%" case "phpmailer-file-access": return "Could not access file: %File%" case "phpmailer-file-open": return "Could not open file: %File%" case "phpmailer-encoding": return "Unknown encoding: %Encoding%" case "error-sending-email": return "Your message has not been sent due to internal server error" case "incorrect-captcha": return "You entered incorrect captcha code" case "date-Sun": return "Sun" case "date-Mon": return "Mon" case "date-Tue": return "Tue" case "date-Wed": return "Wed" case "date-Thu": return "Thu" case "date-Fri": return "Fri" case "date-Sat": return "Sat" case "date-Sunday": return "Sunday" case "date-Monday": return "Monday" case "date-Tuesday": return "Tuesday" case "date-Wednesday": return "Wednesday" case "date-Thursday": return "Thursday" case "date-Friday": return "Friday" case "date-Saturday": return "Saturday" case "date-Jan": return "Jan" case "date-Feb": return "Feb" case "date-Mar": return "Mar" case "date-Apr": return "Apr" case "date-May": return "May" case "date-Jun": return "Jun" case "date-Jul": return "Jul" case "date-Aug": return "Aug" case "date-Sep": return "Sep" case "date-Oct": return "Oct" case "date-Nov": return "Nov" case "date-Dec": return "Dec" case "date-January": return "January" case "date-February": return "February" case "date-March": return "March" case "date-April": return "April" case "date-June": return "June" case "date-July": return "July" case "date-August": return "August" case "date-September": return "September" case "date-October": return "October" case "date-November": return "November" case "date-December": return "December" case "role-integrator": return "Developer" case "role-administrator": return "Administrator" case "role-moderator": return "Moderator" case "role-user": return "User" case "add-image": return "Add" case "change-image": return "Change" case "remove-image": return "Remove" case "set-sort-order-error": return "Error occured on position update" case "xml-section-general": return "General" case "php-messages": return "messages" case "tag-name": return "Tag Name" case "variable-value": return "Value" case "incorrect-parameter": return "Incorrect parameter passed to the VariableList() class" case "loading-edit-variable": return "loading variable info..." case "saving-variable": return "saving variable info..." case "lightbox-image": return "Image" case "lightbox-of": return "of" case "module-title": return "Infoblock" case "module-admin-title": return "Infoblocks" case "config-CategoryImage": return "Category image configuration" case "config-CategoryImageKeepFileName": return "Keep file name of the category image" case "config-ItemsPerPage": return "Number of the items on page" case "config-ItemsOrderBy": return "Order by field for the items" case "config-ItemImage": return "Item image configuration" case "config-ItemImageKeepFileName": return "Keep file name of the item image" case "config-AnnouncementOrderBy": return "Order by field for the item anounce list" case "config-AnnouncementCount": return ">Number of the items in the anounce" case "config-Generator": return "RSS Feed Generator" case "config-Webmaster": return "RSS Feed Webmaster" case "config-details": return "\r\n <h3>Configuration description</h3>\r\n <p>"Category image configuration" - configuration string for the category image</p>\r\n <p>"Keep file name of the category image" - 1 - save original name, 0 - generate unique name</p>\r\n <p>If you set 0 for the "Number of the items on page", paging will not be generated. All items will be shown on one page.</p>\r\n <p>\r\n Next fields availble for the order by parameter:\r\n <ul>\r\n <li>ItemDateAsc - by item date in acending order</li>\r\n <li>ItemDateDesc - by item date in descending order</li>\r\n <li>TitleAsc - by item title in acending order</li>\r\n <li>TitleDesc - by item title in descending order</li>\r\n <li>Position - by predefined item position</li>\r\n <li>Random - by random</li>\r\n </ul>\r\n </p>\r\n <p>"Item image configuration" - configuration string for the item image</p>\r\n <p>"Keep file name of the item image" - 1 - save original name, 0 - generate unique name</p>\r\n <p>If you set 0 for the "Number of the items in the anounce", anounces will not be added to the _header.html/_footer.html</p>\r\n <p>RSS Feed Generator - Name of the RSS Feed generator</p>\r\n <p>RSS Feed Webmaster - E-mail address of the websmaster of the RSS Feed</p>\r\n <h3>How to use in the _header.html/_footer.html</h3>\r\n <p>INFOBLOCK_&lt;StaticPath&gt;_URL - URL to the infoblock page</p>\r\n <p>INFOBLOCK_&lt;StaticPath&gt;_RSSFeedURL - URL to the RSS Feed of the infoblock</p>\r\n <p>INFOBLOCK_&lt;StaticPath&gt;_ItemList - List of anounces, if no categories are defined</p>\r\n <p>INFOBLOCK_&lt;StaticPath&gt;_ItemCount - Total number of the items if no categories are defined</p>\r\n <p>INFOBLOCK_&lt;StaticPath&gt;_CategoryList - List of the categories, inside this list available internal loop ItemList - anounces of the category & variable ItemCount - total number of the items in the category</p>\r\n <p>INFOBLOCK_&lt;StaticPath&gt;_&lt;CategoryStaticPath&gt;_ItemList - List of anounces for selected category</p>\r\n <p>INFOBLOCK_&lt;StaticPath&gt;_&lt;CategoryStaticPath&gt;_ItemCount - Total number of the items in the category</p>\r\n " case "category-activate": return "Show category" case "category-deactivate": return "Hide category" case "category-is-removed": return "Category %CategoryList% has been removed" case "categories-are-removed": return "Categories %CategoryList% have been removed" case "title-category-add": return "Add category" case "title-category-edit": return "Edit category" case "category-title-empty": return "Please enter category title" case "category-static-path-empty": return "Please enter category URL" case "item-activate": return "Show item" case "item-deactivate": return "Hide item" case "items-are-removed": return "%ItemCount% items have been removed" case "item-is-removed": return "Item "%Title%" has been removed" case "items-are-moved": return "%ItemCount% items have been moved to the "%Category%"" case "item-is-moved": return "Item "%Title%" has been moved to the "%Category%"" case "title-item-add": return "Add" case "title-item-edit": return "Edit" case "item-date-empty": return "Please fill the date" case "item-title-empty": return "Please enter item title" case "item-static-path-empty": return "Please enter item URL" case "item-static-path-incorrect": return "URL can\'t consist numbers only" case "item-image1": return "Image" case "item-image2": return "Image 2" case "item-image3": return "Image 3" default: return key; } }